Rabbie Burns Saves the World! (And, by Extension, Book Week Scotland)

A commission for the Scottish Book Trust’s Book Week Scotland, November 2020.
From the Scottish Book Trust website:
Ever wondered why Scottish Literature punches so far above its weight? Yearned to lead a team of Scottish writers to fight against an unspecified horror? Want to know what Rabbie Burns would look like in a panama hat? A new 8-bit game, made exclusively for Book Week Scotland by Scottish poet Calum Rodger, allows you to take control of Scotland’s finest writers, and in the guise of Rabbie Burns himself, lead them in a quest to save the world. Find lost words, put recalcitrant characters back in their place and become one with the mountains on this epic journey, which will prove once and for all that the pen really is mightier than the sword!

No writers were harmed in the making of this game. Playing does not give control of any writers in real life, and may not actually save the world.
Visit the original home of the game here.